Meet Grand Rapids Chair Company
BlogKnown for their high-quality, locally-sourced materials, American manufacturing and engineering, and 10-year warranty, GRCC is a perfect choice for products worth investing in.

Genie Copper Mesh® by VIA Seating
BlogVIA SEATING has partnered with Cupron, a copper-based antimicrobial technology company, to produce an industry first; a mesh textile suitable for healthcare applications.

Asking for a New Office Design
Blog Few things hammer in the monotony of work more than a dull, uninspiring workplace. Everything is gray, the chairs are old, the lighting is bad, the tables are falling apart, there’s no consideration to ergonomics and well-being; everyone’s got an opinion on office composition.

Rethinking Your Lobby
Blog The lobby is one of the most important spaces in your office. If you’re not maximizing on this space, you’re losing out on a valuable opportunity! With new technology and emerging workplace design trends, it might be time to update your waiting area.

Chairs at Work
Blog From a dirt floor to our current ergonomic masterpieces, chairs have come a long way. Navigating today's landscape of chair types and uses can be a bit confusing, so we've come up with some information about chairs you'll see around the office.
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How Conference Room Layouts Affect EfficiencyDecember 16, 2024 - 8:40 pm
When you imagine conference rooms, you probably picture them all looking exactly the same. However, there are many ways to organize this space, and each option affects the efficiency of your meetings. One layout might work for training, while a different one might be better for brainstorming. Learn how conference room layouts affect efficiency so […]
Contact Info
Rose City Office Furnishings
5130 N. Basin Avenue #1
Portland, OR 97217
(503) 467-2767
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