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What Is Hot Desking?

Over the last few years, the traditional office environment has undergone a face lift. For employees, these changes have made life in the office quite different.

Working in an office once only involved coming to work every day, sitting at the same desk and continuing to work in the same spot. However, the massive financial crisis and down economy have changed the traditional office environment.

Both the public and private sectors have gone through major cutbacks, and a number of employees must use public transportation or travel with friends and family. Across the globe, a new trend is unfolding called hot desking.

How Does It Work?

There is a Naval practice called hot racking, which involves many sailors using the same bunks during their shifts. Hot desking uses the same concept. Basically, during their shifts, employees utilize the same work spaces.

In some cases, hot desking is organized according to the day of the week, but it might also be organized by certain times throughout a day. One of the greatest benefits of this trend is a reduction in expenses. In many situations, the it has reduced costs by 30 percent.

However, one of the downsides is less personalization. Put simply, employees don’t get to customize their workspace like they used to.

The Benefits

Hot desking can be lucrative because of the many benefits it offers. One of the top benefits of hot desking is reduced office space. Hot desking maximizes the number of employees who use a single workstation. In some cases, the size of an office can be reduced by as much as 30 percent.

Desks consume the greatest amount of space in an office. Since hot desking reduces the amount of desk space needed, it frees up more office space.

Put simply, this new office practice makes employees dynamic, so they’re able to work much more efficiently. It can also improve employee confidence. Hot desking enables employees to work when and where they want to work.

An additional benefit of hot desking is that it encourages employees to become more active. Hot desking makes it possible for employees to interact with other employees very frequently.

The End Result

It’s important to understand that hot desking is not suitable for all work environments. It’s not a great idea when confidentiality issues could arise. Other factors that might be used to determine if hot desking is appropriate are employee age and office location. For hot desking to work, many offices will require special wiring.

From a business owner’s perspective, this trend can lead to significant financial savings, and in many cases, it has dramatically boosted employee motivation. Depending on your unique needs, hot desking may be worth considering.


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